Copyright Information
No portion of this website may be reproduced in any form or distributed by any method, whether for profit or not, without the express written permission of the Deaf Dogs Atlas.
Do you want to add a link to Deaf Dogs Atlas from your website?
Text only links:
Generally, this is perfectly acceptable. A text only link would be set up like Deaf Dogs Atlas. You can put in links to our home page, or to any other pages that you think people would be interested in. You do not need to ask permission before doing this, but we would like you let us know where you are placing our link (contact the On rare occasions, we may request that you remove our link from your site.
Graphic links:
To use any logo or graphic from our site to create a link, you must have permission, period. Contact before you do anything.
Do you want to use other information from our site?
You may print out the materials at this web site for your personal, noncommercial use, provided that you retain all copyright notices. Printing out a copy for one other person is also permissible. You may not modify the materials from this site in any way, nor may you reproduce or publicly display, perform, distribute or otherwise use them for any public or commercial purpose (this includes copying and placing them on your own website). Ask first! The physical text and content of this site is copyrighted, and any unauthorized use of any of the materials may violate copyright, trademark, and other laws. If you believe that the information contained on this website would be useful to another party, contact for assistance.
Logos, Graphics, and Photographs
All images and graphics on this site are property of the Deaf Dogs Atlas (except photos on the bio pages), and may not be taken or used without permission. Photos of dogs on the bio pages belong to those who took the pictures, and may not be copied or reproduced without their permission.
We do follow through on this, so don't take the chance!
Further Info: