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deaf dogs atlas

These lucky dogs all have homes. If you are looking to adopt, visit the Adoption pages at DDEAF

Deaf Dogs in Nova Scotia

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Fluffy Fluffy Town: Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia
Deaf dog: Fluffy is an 8 month old American Puitbull. We got Fluffy from the SPCA. He was hard to adopt because he of his deafness. He was unmanageable when we got him but he is very intelligent and learned quickly how to cope with his deafness. We taught him to have a gentle mouth and took him to obedience classes to train him. He is very alert and, even though he is deaf, not much escapes his attention. He maintains constant eye contact and takes his cues from us. Fluffy lives with 3 cats and they co-habitate well. All in all, Fluffy is a super dog and we love him very much.
Human companions: Sandra and Mike Ryan
Other pets: Buster, Flash & Buttons - all cats
Town: Dartmouth,Nova Scotia
Deaf dog: Venus is a 2 yr old female Bull Terrier and I rescued her through the PBRC...she's a total clown, and a bully through and through. I love her so much, and she never lets me out of her sight!!
Human companions: Myrna Bowen

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